Cecilia Colacrai / Jorge Albuerne

Dance and circus coexist around a chinese pole.

Two concepts guided our work... unconditional and play; the relationship of unconditionality or the unconditional relationship... 

Two characters, two ways of understanding unconditionality, freedom and the enjoyment of things... unconditionality is the union, two parallel worlds (parallelism is also a form of unconditionality): parallel are two lines that meet in the infinite (very distant future) and meanwhile (in the present and immediate future) they keep their distance, always and always the same... 

Where I go you go, where you go I come with you... it is reciprocal and so it never stops... times of rest or of calm, agitation and madness...

CECILIA.- generous, tidy, restrained, explosive, cheerful, builder, defiant, strong and sweet, detail-oriented...
JORGE.- distracted, impulsive, explosive, shy, violent, careful, unpredictable, eccentric, funny, agile and strong... 

To play, first the game is proposed, the one who creates the rules chooses...the other accepts the conditions, the game begins....... Over time, the responses are internalised, the responses are organic, like reflexes... The game proposals are specific to the bodies that propose them. Thus Cecilia manages in proposals of order and measures while Jorge plays with dispersion and deception... She builds while the other destroys, he prefers the joke and she plays from affection... The delicacy exists in both bodies, both can be excessive with their strength but the search for tenderness in the encounters, gives freedom, plays with the limits of the other and respect circulates in both directions..... The two reach exhaustion, the end of the bottom, the last of the breaths... after just enough time to take a breath and continue unconditionally, without sparing a drop of sweat, without giving even the slightest concession to apathy... the game continues... And silence, what about silence?...the need to shut up, to avoid noise, to disappear for a moment...

Cecilia Colacrai and Jorge Albuerne began their joint venture with the duo Gira in 2006.

They premiered at the Centro Cívico de la Barceloneta (Barcelona, 2006) and it was at the Festival de rue de Ramonville'06 where they received the "Section Decouverte" award. Thanks to this award, they came into contact with Albin Warrete, who would later work as the external view of the show, bringing greater solidity, coherence and fluidity to their scenes. Gira has worked in residence in Toulouse on two occasions (La Grainerie and L'Usine) and has been presented at various street festivals in the area.

This duo has had the opportunity to perform at dance and circus festivals in different countries such as Spain, France, Germany and Argentina.

Artistic team
Direction, creation and performance: Cecilia Colacrai and Jorge Albuerne
External view: Albin Warette
Music: various artists
Musical arrangements: Marcelo Lastra
Special thanks to: Pablo Mo Ramirez, Laetitia Belasco, Ramón “Fitipaldi”, Karl Stets, Miriam Edo, Ignasi Gil, Adria Cordoncillo, Celine Merlaud, Lipi Hernandez, Semolina Tomic, C.C. Barceloneta, Marcelo, La Caldera, L’Antic Teatre, CSO La Makabra, Romina Jaimovich