I am interested in the investigation of movement and new approaches to contemporary performance creation, constantly updating and developing possible ways of understanding the body, dance and creative processes. I want to create spaces and opportunities for communication and exchange between artists of different disciplines and the audience. I strongly defend the fact that culture and art are not a luxury but a right for each and everyone..
CURRENT PROYECTS (ver fechas de las presentaciones aquí)
· Presentación de la R.A.V.E. en Barcelona, 25 y 26 de abril en Antic Teatre! (compra entradas)

· Estreno de la pieza RUGE, en el Festival 15 m2
· Presentaciones de la pieza PLATA del Big Bouncers Collective
· Presentaciones de la obra teatral La plaça del diamant en el TNC (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya)

The Big Bouncers Collective is formed by Cecilia Colacrai, Mireia de Querol and Anna Rubirola.
They started working together in May 2012 with the wish of sharing interests and developing a common practice. Their goal was to focus on the investigation and further development of new approaches to contemporary performance creation and to generate their own work methodology. Since the beginning, the collective has been developing and articulating itself in three main fields: creation of pieces for stage, making performances for non-conventional and site-specific spaces and dance pedagogy.
+INFO: www.bigbouncers.info